Round Square logo

Founded in 1966, Round Square is a global network of innovative schools in 50 countries on six continents

that share a passion for experiential learning and character education.

The Round Square approach is built around six IDEALS of learning:

  • Internationalism
  • Democracy
  • Environmentalism
  • Adventure
  • Leadership
  • Service

The Samworth Church Academy is a Global Member of the Round Square, a worldwide association of schools which share a commitment, beyond academic excellence to personal development, responsibility and international understanding through service, challenge and adventure. 'Inspiring students to become the leaders and guardians of tomorrow's world'


International Understanding at TSCA

Students from all year groups have the opportunity to visit other Round Square schools on an exchange. 

International experiences include:

  • Visit from Palestinian representatives
  • Year 7 trip to Boulogne to celebrate French culture
  • Year 8 science trip to the European Space Centre in Belgium
  • Teachers from Georgia and Transylvania visited TSCA to observe our teaching methods.
  • KS4 History students visit to Auschwitz.
  • Attending the Round Square conference 2024 in South Africa (photos below)


There are also opportunities for students to participate in Round Square conferences aimed specifically at their own age groups which are usually held in Europe, and even right here in Mansfield.

flags at the Round Square conference


Democracy at TSCA

The school councils are linked to the Round Square committees; there is a Student Captain for each of the IDEALS. Student representatives have been involved in the appointment of new staff, in showing visitors round the school and in the observation of the staff-briefing process. Learn more about our Student Captains here.

Students in Year 11 were invited to stand as members of the Prom Committee and were voted in as such.  


Environmental Awareness at TSCA

The ECO Club encourages students to participate in recycling programmes and have ensured that there are recycling boxes in all classrooms, offices and in the restaurant. They have completed an evaluation of the school’s carbon footprint and have harvested rainwater for use in the vegetable garden and greenhouse. Our greenhouse produced a bumper crop of tomatoes which were then handed out in baskets to local residents. The ECO club have also eliminated the use of plastic bottles from the restaurant.

We received a Greenwood Outstanding Contribution Award for our work at Sherwood Forest. We have also had students involved in work at Oak Tree Heath (a local SSSI) and at nearby Forest Road Park, planting trees on a fortnightly basis. A Year 12 group are working on achieving the Gold Crest Award and are currently undertaking a project to encourage biodiversity in the pond area of our copse.


Adventure at TSCA

The Adventure Committee has established a CCF unit at the Academy and has enlisted 50 students.  We run the annual trips to Outward Bound Centres in Aberdyfi and Ullswater as well as the Ocean Spirit adventure at Gordonstoun. We have also been awarded the IAA Award for Learning outside the Classroom. 

  • High ropes.
  • Climbing wall.
  • Leadership courses.
  • Duke of Edinburgh Bronze, Silver and Gold Award
  • Combined cadet force (CCF).
  • Survival skills courses
  • Expeditions

a boy climbing the climbing wall


Leadership at TSCA

Every tutor group has an elected member to represent their viewpoints on the student council.

Other leadership activities include:

  • Gordonstoun Leadership Exchange
  • Young Enterprise events
  • Student led assemblies
  • Leadership Positions through RS Committee for IDEALS
  • Year 11 Prom Committee
  • Year 8 Graduation Committee
  • Children in Need arrangements and activities led by Student Leaders
  • Year 11 CCF cadets attended a week’s Leadership Expedition to Loch Eil; these cadets now train our younger cadets.


Service at TSCA

Year 7 annually takes part in MAD (make a difference) day; the Forestry Commission assign areas in our local forests, which we collaboratively clear of invasive species.

We often reach out to the wider community. An example of this is inviting the local retired community for a three course meal, cooked by the students. We strive to support as many charities as possible; in recent years students have supported:


Kurt Hahn

Round Square and its philosophy have evolved from the teachings and beliefs of the renowned educationalist, Kurt Hahn. He believed that given the appropriate set of circumstances and the correct attitude, young men and women could discover their own inner strength and an understanding of the physical and social world around them. “Education must enable young people to effect what they have recognized to be right, despite hardships, despite dangers, despite inner scepticism, despite boredom, and despite mockery from the world.”

Hann believed in educating students for life, and that students could develop personally through challenge and adventure, learn self-worth through craftsmanship and mastery and learn compassion through skilled and caring service to others. He believed that students would develop international understanding through personal interaction. Kurt Hann’s most famous quote is “There is more in you than you think.” This coincides with our own moto “Be the best you can be.”

For more information on Kurt Hahn click on the link below.

For more information please visit the Round Square website.


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Image of Making A Difference to our local woods
8 July 2024

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