The Samworth Church Academy
Sherwood Hall RoadMansfield
NG18 2DY
01623 663450
How to find us
If you would like to speak to some about a concern or query regarding a student you can contact the relevant learning manager directly.
Learning Managers
Year 7 01623 663451
Year 8 01623 663466
Year 9 01623 663463
Year 10 01623 663460
Year 11 01623 663460
Sixth Form 01623 663452
Other useful contacts
Absence/Attendance (01623 663455 or 01623 663453)
To report a student absence or to discuss attendance.
Admissions/Complaints (01623 663464)
To discuss admission to the Academy or escalate an unresolved issue or make a complaint.
Careers (01623 663450)
Ask to speak with one of our Careers Advisors.
Exams (01623 663465)
To speak with someone about any examination related issues.
Finance (01623 663473 or 01623 663462)
To speak with a member of our Finance Team.
Safeguarding/SENDCO (01623 663461)
To talk to Adam Cave who is the designated safeguarding lead.
Salon (01623 663472)
To make an appointment at the salon or you can contact them via their own Facebook page here.
Student Information Desk (01623 663456)
To top up your child's lunch card or if you have a general enquiry about the Academy.