Welcome to the exciting world of Period 6 at the Samworth Church Academy, where the bell marking the end of the school day is just the start of new adventures!

Period 6 isn't like your regular classes – it's your chance to dive into activities that spark your interests, talents, and maybe even discover a new hobby. It's all about exploring, creating, and having fun while learning something that might not be in your regular school lessons.


What you need to know about Period 6

  • Period 6 is held after school between 3-4pm – think of it as a bonus round of school where you get to choose the game.

  • It's compulsory for Year 7, 8, and 9, which means you're expected to join in, but don't worry, it's the fun kind of expected!
  • Year 8 & 9 Period 6 starts on Monday 9th September.
  • If your child is in Year 8 or 9 in September, you must book your Period 6 by Wednesday 17th July.
  • Year 7 Period 6 starts on Monday 4th November.
  • If your child is in Year 7 in September, please don't try to book your activity yet. Period 6 activities for Year 7 will be open for booking on Wednesday 2nd October 2024. We will send you more information closer to the time.
  • Every term, you get to pick a new activity (except for Art Club and CCF - these are year long commitments).


Remember, Period 6 is all about trying new things and finding what you love, so give it a go - you might find your new passion!


How to book your period 6 Club

  • Autumn Term 2024 Period 6 clubs for Year 8 and Year 9 students can be booked from Wednesday 10th July at 7pm, until Wednesday 17th July at 7pm. 
  • Students must only select ONE Club to ensure every KS3 student secures a place.
  • To book onto the clubs please use the MCAS app.

If you don't have the MCAS app you can download it on iOS here or Android here.


Period 6 timetable

Period 6 clubs for Years 8 & 9 run from week starting Monday 9th September to Friday 13th December 2024 on the following days:



Student Librarians (15 spaces)

Whether you have a wealth of book knowledge or you're just starting on your reading journey, your voice is important. YOU know what pupils want to read and YOU know how promote it. Take ownership of a key space in our school with this opportunity to develop a range of communication techniques and organisational skills. You will learn how to shelve and sticker our book stock and have responsibility over reading events, displays, bookmark design and recommendations.


Board Game Club (20 spaces)

Play classic games, discover your new favourite and and develop your tactical thinking skills! Students meet and play a variety of board games, including traditional board games, card games and role-playing games.  


Art Club BRONZE award (FULL)

Learn to express feelings without words. We'll learn about cultures from around the world, to think creatively with an open mind whilst practising fine motor skills. Art Club is a year's commitment, and students are committed to achieving a Bronze Art Award at the end of the Summer Term 2025. Students who are already assigned to this Club - you do not need to re-book.



International Club (15 spaces)

Dive head first into lots of different cultures around the world, looking at things like food, clothes, language and lifestyles. What can we learn from different cultures? What makes them unique? You will look into why it is so important to embrace, accept and tolerate diversity.


Basketball Club (30 space)

Hone your hoop skills and play your mates in our fast-paced basketball club.


Boys Fitness (20 spaces)

Join us to use our fantastic fitness gym! This club is for boys who want to learn how to use the gym equipment and improve their fitness level.


Boys Rugby (20 spaces)

Learn the main skills of rugby. This is also a great way to improve fitness levels and enhance confidence. 


Girls Football (30 spaces)

Practice your dribbling, striking and defensive skills in our football club. Football is also a great way to develop your teamwork skills and improve your fitness.


Trampolining (24 spaces)

You will have the opportunity to develop your trampolining skills, learning basic skills and building up to more complex skills. You will learn how to develop and perform a trampolining routine. Why not come along and give it a go!



Dance (Year 7/8 - 24 spaces)

Dance in Period 6 gives students the opportunity to learn and develop techniques in all styles from Jazz & Ballet, to Hip Hop & African and Rock n Roll. You will learn about the history, techniques, performance, skills and choreography, all of this leading to a chance to showcase your talents in our annual dance showcase. All of the subject knowledge gained in Period 6 Dance is transferrable to GCSE Dance, so if you've got that in your mind as a subject you'd like to take, this activity would be a great starting point! PE kit is essential.


Boys Football (90 spaces)

Practice your dribbling, striking and defensive skills in our football club. Football is also a great way to develop your teamwork skills and improve your fitness.


Netball Club (42 spaces)

Learn the main skills of netball. This is also a great way to improve fitness levels and enhance confidence. 


Band Club (Year 9 only - 15 spaces)

Band Club is an exciting opportunity for you to make music with other students as a band! We perform a variety of different styles of music from rock and pop, to jazz and classical. You can join the band as a singer or choose to perform on any other instrument! Students who have had experience playing an instrument before are encouraged to attend, beginners are also welcome. Joining band club is a great place to work with friends and make music together. Our band club will often take part in events and performances at school throughout the year!


Digital Skills (Years 8 and 9 - 24 spaces)

Enhance your digital skills and become more confident with IT. With a mash up of design and multi-media elements, you will be preparing yourself to take on the future of technology. Learn the skills you need to make our world a safer place to live in. See how tech, digital and cyber skills play an important role in your future career.



Boxing Club (21 spaces) 

Come along and try out Boxing! A friendly, inclusive club for everyone designed to develop basic boxing skills. As well as learning the art of boxing, it is a great way to improve fitness levels and enhance confidence. This club is open to everyone, whether you have never boxed before or box regularly.



Creative Crafts Club (24 spaces)

A fun and enjoyable space to be creative and imaginative. The aim is to create different pieces to tie in with the seasons and any festivities such as Christmas, Halloween, Easter etc. Please be aware, this club is not related to the Bronze or Silver Art Award, but still a lovely way to show off your creativity.




Combined Cadet Force (CCF) (FULL)

The Cadets will be following a tried and tested training programme where they will be instructed in drill, uniform upkeep,  advanced skill at arms, field craft, range firing, first aid, map & compass, camp craft, rifle ranges, assault courses, military knowledge, command tasks, full bore rifle shooting, .22 rifle shooting, leadership training. All this will allow cadets to gain cadet qualifications along the way.  For students already signed up for CCF you do not need to re-book.   For any other students wishing to register, please note this is a year's commitment.  There will be an outlay of £65 for the cost of Uniform with an additional cost for any camps and trips through out the year.




Dance (Year 9 only - 25 spaces)

Dance in Period 6 gives students the opportunity to learn and develop techniques in all styles from Jazz & Ballet, to Hip Hop & African and Rock n Roll. You will learn about the history, techniques, performance, skills and choreography, all of this leading to a chance to showcase your talents in our annual dance showcase. All of the subject knowledge gained in Period 6 Dance is transferrable to GCSE Dance, so if you've got that in your mind as a subject you'd like to take, this activity would be a great starting point! PE kit is essential.


Fencing (21 spaces)

Fencing is an elegant, prestigious and modern combative sport based on tradition that has been enjoyed by people around the World since the middle ages. It's a challenge both physically and tactically between two opponents. Using replica swords, the foil, epee and saber, fencers try to score points by hitting one another while moving back and forth on an area called a piste. Fencing is a relatively safe combat sport because participants wear face masks, gloves and protective jackets. PE kit is needed.


Art Club SILVER award (FULL)

Learn to express feelings without words. We'll learn about cultures from around the world, to think creatively with an open mind whilst practising fine motor skills. Art Club is a year's commitment, and students are committed to achieving a Silver Art Award at the end of the Summer Term 2025. Students who are already assigned to this Club - you do not need to re-book.


To book onto the clubs use the MCAS app.

If you don't have the MCAS app you can download it on iOS here or Android here


