We have a collection of resources and help available to help you with your studies.
Accelerated Reader
We are proud to use Accelerated Reader (AR), an online reading management system, created by Renaissance Learning. Students in KS3 will take a STAR Reading Assessment each term. These reading tests will generate an accurate ‘ZPD’ for each student, which is a number that guides them to a book within their ‘Zone of Proximal Development’. This zone includes books that provides pupils with an appropriate level of challenge and boosts their reading skills. Once students have chosen and read their book, they can access Accelerated Reader in order to take a quiz to see how much of the book they understood. They will get immediate feedback and will be motivated to make progress in their reading skills. Their teachers can also view this, giving them an insight into reading habits and progress, aiding classroom practice. Throughout the term and year, achievement points and certificates will be awarded to students who read the most words and pass the most quizzes.
Access Accelerated Reader here.
Students have accessed AR during their lessons and their log in is their school username and the password is ‘password’. Their current ZPD is written on their bookmark and English book. Renaissance Learning has also created the ARbookfind website to look for all books listed on the programme, meaning you can search through your home library too!
Use ARbookfind here.
The Samworth Canon
All students start their day with a tutor time reading session. This gives students the opportunity to access a range of high-level texts, read to them by their tutor.
All of our students receive quality-first teaching across the curriculum. To help our students achieve their best, we have additional support available in the form of interventions. Students may be asked to take part in the appropriate short- or long-term intervention to 'give them a boost' in their literacy skills.
Buddy Reading with older years