Examinations are such an important part of academy life and take place throughout the year.
Please allow yourself plenty of extra time to arrive in time to take your exams.
Due to the length of certain exams, students may finish after their usual finishing time.
Venues for Exams
Most students at GCSE will sit their external exams in the Sports Hall which is our large exam room.
Students will follow the same routine where they will place their bags into the store room and take their seat.
Students will be addressed by one of our invigilators who will provide the instructions and facilitate the exam.
Some students may sit their exams in a smaller room (classroom). This could be for a range of reasons such as students having specific Access Arrangements for Exams.
Students in smaller rooms will follow the same routine where they will place their bags at the front of the classroom/small room they are in and take their seat.
Students will be addressed by one of our invigilators who will provide the instructions and facilitate the exam.
For more detailed information, please read the following documents:
Information For Candidates |
Exam Policies |