Access arrangements are pre-examination adjustments for students based on evidence of need and normal way of working.

Access arrangements are not designed to benefit a particular student but to provide an equal opportunity for all students in achieving in their exams.

To discuss your child's access arrangements, please contact the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENDCO) Katie Hawksley by calling 01623 663450 or emailing



Access Arrangement

What it looks like for students

Why it might be used

How is it tested


Supervised Rest Breaks






Student is allowed breaks for short periods of time in the exam.

This may be for medical reasons, anxiety, ADHD, Autism etc.

No testing required.


Evidence required comes from observations in school from teachers.

Medical evidence may recommend this.

Alternative Site


Student may sit the exam at home or an alternative site.

This is where the student receives the main portion of their education.

Students normal provision for their education.

Practical Assistant


Student can direct a member of staff to support with diagrams/ drawings that they may have to do as part of their exam.


Medical needs and a doctor’s note may be provided.



Student may use an iPad in rare cases where this is their normal way of working.

Used instead of a laptop. Possibly visually impaired students.

It is the normal way of working

Students with diabetes may need their mobile close to them.

No test required for this.


Students normal way of working.

Word Processor/Laptop


Student uses a laptop to record their answers without spellcheck.

Normal way of working.

No test required.



Student can be given prompts such as 'let's give this next question a try', 'let's move onto the next part' or just generally prompt students.

Used to help maintain focus and concentration for students.

No assessment required. Normal way of working for students.

Read Out Loud


Student is allowed to read aloud in their own room.

Some students benefit from reading questions and their work aloud.

No assessment required.

It is the student’s normal way of working.

Quiet Room


Student is in a separate room and completes their examination here. 

Due to the size of hall and too many students present in this room.

No test required.

Could also be because the student would distract other students.

Normal way of working.

Doctor may recommend.


1 to 1 Room


Student completes their assessment in a room alone with an invigilator.

This may be due to another arrangement in place such as read out loud.

Normal way of working.



Student may use a dictionary if they are EAL and this is their normal way of working. 


No evidence required.

Normal way of working for students.


Student has a coloured overlay on their work. 


Normal way of working for students.

Modified/Coloured Paper


Student has modified papers (braille) or coloured paper if they have this in their lessons. 


Normal way of working for students.

Can be recommended by classroom teachers and occurs in all lessons.
