At the Samworth Church Academy we are proud to offer students the opportunity to learn to play an instrument with the support of our specialist music teachers. Lessons are for 20 minutes each week and can be taught as one-to-one or in pairs. We offer lessons on the following instruments:
- Singing
- Piano
- Violin
- Drum kit
- Guitar - Electric, Acoustic or Bass
- Woodwind - Clarinet, Saxophone or flute
We also have the option to loan orchestral instruments (brass and woodwind) free of charge.
Booking your instrument lessons
All students who have previously had music lessons will need to sign up for lessons for each term by making a purchase through your MCAS App. Once a student is signed up for lessons, we will assume that they would like to continue for the entire academic year. This includes Music For All places.
Please make payment via your My Child At School app.
MyChildAtSchool MCAS
Music for All
We believe that music education should be accessible for all students and the financial cost of lessons should not be a barrier to learning to play an instrument. Therefore, we have a limited number of small group places available at a discounted rate of £1 per lesson, with the rest funded by the Opportunity Trust. To apply for these lessons please contact stating the name of student and which instrument they would like to learn.
Cost of instrument lessons - from 24th Feb 2025 for the half-term
Lessons will continue to be priced at £4.70 for small group lessons and £9.50 for one-to-one lessons per week.
Total cost for small group lessons Spring half-term: £28.20
Deposit payment due no later than Thursday 13th February - £10.00
- Final payment due no later than Friday 28th February - £18.20
Total cost for individual lessons Spring half-term: £57.00
- Deposit payment due no later than Thursday 13th February - £20.00
Final payment due no later than Friday 28th February - £37.00
Total cost for Music For All small group lessons: £6
- Deposit payment due no later than Thursday 13th February - £3.00
Final payment due no later than Friday 28th February - £3.00
Your child's instrument lesson time is emailed to tutors on the morning of their lesson, and is always available on the noticeboard outside the music classroom. Please do encourage your child to regularly check the timetable as we occasionally make changes to their lesson time.
It is your child's responsibility to make their way to their lesson at the give time. If they have not arrived at the lesson within the first two minutes, the music teacher will ask student reception to collect them from their classroom lesson as a last resort. This has a significant impact on the timetable and the quality of lessons. It is paramount that students are encouraged to take responsibility for the lesson times. If you child is having difficulty with attending on time due to their classroom lesson timetable, please come and tell us so we can make changes if needed.
Cancelling your instrument lessons
When purchasing these lessons, we expect students to continue until the end of the term. Payment is for the lessons across the whole term - the payment instalments are for the convenience of parents/carers.
If a student would no longer like to continue their lessons, we would appreciate feedback as to why so we can help support and encourage them to continue for the remaining lessons. When learning to play an instrument, it is important to be resilient and persevere, as it can often be challenging - particularly when you are a beginner.
If you are certain you would like to cancel your lessons, we require a written confirmation via email to at least 48 prior to their next lesson to remove them from the timetable.