Post 16 Telephone Consultation Evening

13 October 2020
There will be Telephone Consultation Evening for the Parents of Post-16 students next Tuesday 13th October.  It will run from 4pm to 7pm.  We are running it as a telephone consultation as we are minimising the number of visitors to the Academy due to Covid-19 restrictions.

This should be seen as mandatory for Year 13 classes and we would encourage parents of Year 12 students to make appointments if they would like to discuss how their child has settled in to the new courses.

Please can you make appointments using the booking system on the website, under Parent Links and kindly note the following-:
  • Appointments will be for a maximum of 10 minutes
  • We will need to keep strictly to these times as other parents might be waiting and we will not have flexibility that we would normally have in the school
  • Some teachers will be ringing from personal phones and as such will hide the caller ID.
May I take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support and understanding in these challenging of times.
