ECO Clothing Collection

30 April 2018
Image of ECO Clothing Collection

How can you help?    The weather forecast isn’t great this weekend so why not use this opportunity to have a good clear out yourself and fill any bin bags or charity bags with unwanted items.  As well as good quality, clean clothing you may have some old curtains or bedding stored away.  Also, any unwanted towels are great as they are weighty so as well as the volume of bags we receive the heavier they are, the more money we will raise to enable our students to have the most memorable Y11 Prom.    As you are aware, all the money raised through our PTFA benefits the students in some way so even if you bring in one bag, it will all add up.

Please direct any filled bags to Student Information no later than Wednesday, 2nd May as ‘Eco Kids’ are collecting from us the day after.
